A dúo con Aimée Mann, de esplendidad voz, en esta magnífica canción. Y flanqueado en el resto del disco por un buen puñado de sospechosos habituales (los sureños Mary Gauthier, Bill Frisell, Barenaked Ladies), Jim White ha confeccionado un tercer disco redondo, de título larguísimo -Drill a hole in that substrate and tell me what you see. Sigue insisistiendo en sus obsesiones -la presencia constante de Dios, el pecado y la redención, pero también la belleza y el misterio del amor-, situando sus historias en escenarios más cercanos a su ideario (moteles de carretera, paradas de camiones, iglesias); pero ahora hay más matices y una luminosidad que deja entrever un mundo en color que barre esa patina de polvo que antes lo cubría todo. La producción del excelente Joe Henry contribuye a ampliar la sonoridades, exaltando la voz casi siempre susurrante, imprimiendo en mucho pasajes un toque mágico y ensoñador.
"3 A.M. I’m awakened
By a sweet summer rain…
Distant howling of a passing
Southbound coal train.
Was I dreaming or was there someone
Just lying here beside me in this bed?
Am I hearing things? Or in the next room,
Did a long forgotten music box just start playing?
And I know
(it’s a sin putting words in the mouths of the dead)
And I know
(it’s a crime to weave your wishes into what they said)
And I know
(only fools venture where them spirits tread)
‘Cause I know
(every word, every sound bouncing ‘round my head)
Is just static on the radio
(Everything I think I know is just static on the radio)."
By a sweet summer rain…
Distant howling of a passing
Southbound coal train.
Was I dreaming or was there someone
Just lying here beside me in this bed?
Am I hearing things? Or in the next room,
Did a long forgotten music box just start playing?
And I know
(it’s a sin putting words in the mouths of the dead)
And I know
(it’s a crime to weave your wishes into what they said)
And I know
(only fools venture where them spirits tread)
‘Cause I know
(every word, every sound bouncing ‘round my head)
Is just static on the radio
(Everything I think I know is just static on the radio)."
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