La nigeriana Nneka con 19 años se trasladó a Hamburgo para empezar la carrera de antropología, y de paso dar rienda suelta a sus inquietudes artísticas, para hacer fructificar su voz cálida, sus ideas claras, su actitud rebelde y luchadora. Definida por algunos la nueva gran promesa del soul, los ritmos de sus canciones basculan en uno amplio espectro que va del hip hop al rock, un potente cocktail sonoro, que adornan unos textos que denuncian sin cesar las condiciones deplorables de su tierra africana, siempre en su corazón aunque esté a miles de km de su actual residencia: anhelos de un futuro mejor, una vida más respuetuosa y más justa.
No longer at ease es su segundo disco, 16 canciones llenas de letras orgullososas y reivindicativas, que atrapan desde las primeras notas, un puño en el estomago de los acomodados, los aprovechados y los que hacen la vista gorda sobre los males del continente africano. Pero también un grito de esperanza, porque la revolta es posible, es necesaria, y no tardará en llegar.
No longer at ease es su segundo disco, 16 canciones llenas de letras orgullososas y reivindicativas, que atrapan desde las primeras notas, un puño en el estomago de los acomodados, los aprovechados y los que hacen la vista gorda sobre los males del continente africano. Pero también un grito de esperanza, porque la revolta es posible, es necesaria, y no tardará en llegar.
"You said you'd be there for me
In times of trouble when I need you and I'm down
And likewise you need friendship
It's from my side pure love but I see lately things have been changing
You have goals to achieve
But the roads you take abroad are heartless
That wants you make another way
You throw stones
Can you see that I am human I am breathing
But you don't give a damn
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
Blood blood blood.... blood is rushing
And now the world is asleep
How will you ever wake her up when she is deep in her dreams, wishing
And yet so many die
And still we think that it is all about us
It's all about you
You sold your soul to the evil and the lust
and the passion and the money and you
See innocent ones die, people hunger for decades
suffer under civilized armedrobbers, modern slaveholders."
In times of trouble when I need you and I'm down
And likewise you need friendship
It's from my side pure love but I see lately things have been changing
You have goals to achieve
But the roads you take abroad are heartless
That wants you make another way
You throw stones
Can you see that I am human I am breathing
But you don't give a damn
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
Blood blood blood.... blood is rushing
And now the world is asleep
How will you ever wake her up when she is deep in her dreams, wishing
And yet so many die
And still we think that it is all about us
It's all about you
You sold your soul to the evil and the lust
and the passion and the money and you
See innocent ones die, people hunger for decades
suffer under civilized armedrobbers, modern slaveholders."
Interessant... no la coneixíem... gràcies per descobrir-nos-la!