Jim Carroll, poeta, escritor, músico, y una cuantas cosas más, fue una pieza clave de la escena artística alternativa del New York de los años '70. Su temprana pasíón por la literatura, con 17 años publicó su primer poemario, se topó con la bulliciosa escena rock de la Gran Manzana donde despuntaban The Ramones, Lou Reed y la Velvet, Patti Smith etc...
La novela autobiográfica "The Basketball Diaries", descarnada crónica del descenso al infierno de las drogas y la prostitución, publicada en 1978, le dio mucha notoriedad. Más que su carrera musical, con la Jim Carroll Band, un combo de inspiración new wave y punk rock, cuya máxima expresión fue el álbum A Catholic Boy de 1980.
El single People Who Died cuenta la historia de los amigos muertos de Jima Carroll. El pasado 11 de septiembre su existencia se apagó.
"Teddy sniffing glue he was 12 years old
Fell from the roof on East Two-nine
Cathy was 11 when she pulled the plug
On 26 reds and a bottle of wine
Bobby got leukemia, 14 years old
He looked like 65 when he died
He was a friend of mine
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died
G-berg and Georgie let their gimmicks go rotten
So they died of hepatitis in upper Manhattan
Sly in Vietnam took a bullet in the head
Bobby OD'd on Drano on the night that he was wed
They were two more friends of mine
Two more friends that died
I miss 'em--they died."
Fell from the roof on East Two-nine
Cathy was 11 when she pulled the plug
On 26 reds and a bottle of wine
Bobby got leukemia, 14 years old
He looked like 65 when he died
He was a friend of mine
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died
G-berg and Georgie let their gimmicks go rotten
So they died of hepatitis in upper Manhattan
Sly in Vietnam took a bullet in the head
Bobby OD'd on Drano on the night that he was wed
They were two more friends of mine
Two more friends that died
I miss 'em--they died."
Interessant... havíem llegit alguna cosa sobre ell... gràcies!
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